On July 14, 2021, stand-up comedian Tom Segura posted a photo to his Instagram page that appeared to show he had been injured. The picture showed a cast on his arm with the caption: “Oh for fucks sake.”
The picture led many commenters to believe that Segura had sustained yet another injury after already having gotten seriously hurt in 2020. However, this was not the case.
Segura, who has a number of stand-up specials available on Netflix, previously sustained a serious injury in a gruesome moment that was captured on video.
Segura’s wife, Christina P., who is also a stand-up comedian, also sustained a recent injury, leading to many well-intentioned jokes from fans of the pair. The couple even ended up selling merchandise based on their injuries.
Minutes after posting the photograph of the cast on his arm, Segura uploaded a video where he explained he had not, in fact, been injured again.
Segura said that the reason for the cast on his arm was because of a nerve “that wasn’t healing.”
All right, that post was too vague. Here’s what happened. Fuckin’ Garth, man. He, he… no… (laughs) He, none of this is… I didn’t fall again, ok?
This is surgery on a nerve. A fuckin’ nerve that wasn’t healing right in my arm. There’s no fall. I didn’t jump. I didn’t do anything crazy. They just said, “your nerve’s not healing right, so we have to operate.” So they did, and that’s all that happened. And I should be fine. I fuckin’ hope so.
I’ll find out Friday if I can travel in a couple of weeks for shows I was going to do. I’ll wear a cast [onstage]. I don’t give a fuck. See you out there. Thanks for all the messages. Love you, bye.
According to Segura’s website, his upcoming tour dates include stops in New York, Connecticut, New Jersey, and North Carolina.
Segura and Christina P. host the popular “Your Mom’s House” podcast for YMH Studios. Fellow comedian Bert Kreischer also co-hosts the “2 Bears, 1 Cave” podcast with Segura. Kreischer has recently been in Serbia filming a movie titled “The Machine,” which is based on what many of Kreischer’s fans consider to be his most famous comedy bit. The film also stars Mark Hamill of “Star Wars” fame.
Comedian Tom Segura Posts Update After Surgery on Nerve
Source: Kapit Pinas